domingo, 30 de junho de 2013

Concerto: Peter Tosh at the One Love Peace Concert (1978)

Finalmente, consegui encontrar no youtube o concerto completo (de que disponho em CD original importado) de Peter Tosh no One Love Peace Concert.

  1. Igziabeher
  2. 400 Years
  3. Stepping Razor
  4. Intro Rap
  5. Burial/Speech
  6. Equal Rights
  7. Speech and Legalize It
  8. Get Up Stand Up
The One Love Peace Concert

O One Love Peace Concert  foi um grande concerto realizado a 22 de Abril de 1978 no Estádio Nacional, em Kingston, Jamaica. O concerto, realizado durante uma verdadeira guerra civil política entre as partes opostas do Partido Trabalhista da Jamaica e do Partido Nacional do Povo, serviu de pretexto a um "tratado de paz" que juntou 16 dos mais conceituados artistas de Reggae.

O concerto juntou mais de 32 mil pessoas e chegou a ser apelidado de Woodstock do Terceiro Mundo.

O primeiro momento alto aconteceu quando Jacob Miller saltou para o campo com um charro e o ofereceu a um polícia, tirando-lhe o capacete e regressando ao palco.

Seguiu-se Peter Tosh que, além de afirmar musicalmente as suas crenças, aproveitou para repreender os dois líderes dos partidos sentados à sua frente pela sua posição contra a legalização da marijuana e criticar as autoridades pelos problemas da sociedade, sobretudo a pobreza.

Transcrição da primeira parte do discurso de Peter Tosh, com Burial como som de fundo:

"Well I got this concert well them say it a peace concert, I man never love coming up cos' a peace concert.... I wonder if many people know what the word mean. Its the most intellectual people in society think the word peace mean 'coming together'. Peace is a diploma you get in the cemetary, on top of your grave, that is marked; 'Here lies the body of John Strokes, Rest in Peace' seen, and I know many of you little brothers wouldn't like to hear your daughters say: 'she's gonna give away a little piece....of Bungo Clippings', you no seen? So you can imagine how defective peace is, seen. This is an integration concert, when black people can come together and forget so well, some thing, the rather destructive element, between I and I, which segregate I and I, which was a force laid down by Lucifer, seen?. But now that I know that Lucifer's hand and foot will soon be bound, seen? And I shall cast him into outer darkness and bring love and justice to black people once more. That we long to hear a gun fire, we long to see one die, cos' learn this man, white man teach I and I say; 'I and I ha fe dead go a heaven' Why? That them can come a Jamaica come take away the whole of the Sun, you no seen? And inherit the bloobath earth. And we gone away, heaven, gone drink milk and honey...cos' we are what? Fool(s)! They tell we say 'cow jump over moon and dish run away with bungo clippin' spoon'...Me a tell you. You a check them thing, eh? That is to mek we gaze up there...Learn this man, say we game this here? Its just some games with Columbus and Henry Morgan and Francis Drake and Bartholemew Dealascassus, who was the first man to come round here with cross round him neck, fe come trick black people and say, 'well bwai right now black people is Israel. If we want to hold them, the only thing we can hold them with is tell them say, "see the cross here, and fe follow Jesus him soon come back" '.....look how bloodbath long them wait upon Jesus, eh? all now 'til bloodbath. All the War in the earth Jesus can't do a thing about it that grass can't, you no seen? And who ha fe go an' do that? It's I and I have to come together with love...seen? Heartical love and respect for each other, you no seen? Because them little fuckers are done no seen? Yes I! And learn this man, we can mek (let) the little pirate come here. Me glad all the Prime minister here, and the minister of opposition, and ministers of Parliment are here. We can't let little pirate come here and rob up the resouces of the country, seen? Because that is what they been doing for long, long bloodbath time, and have poor people in a bloodklaat back shit out them house, seen? Them the thing that 'fe done! Seen? 'Cos the earth shook now! And Jamaica..., learn this man! Jamaica is one of the richest west indies countries in the world, learn that. Jamaica can feed the world with food. I see thousands of acres of land about there me coulda plant herb, and make shipments of herb, a go and mek we cure Glaucoma! So we don't want none of this peace here! We want Equal Rights and what?"

A segunda parte do discurso, que precedeu a música Legalize It, foi ainda mais agressivo.

Três meses depois, Peter Tosh sentiu na pele a consequência deste discurso, quando voi vitima de espancamento por vários policiais armados com cassetetes durante mais de 30 minutos, resultando na fractura de um braço e do crânio.

Por fim, foi a vez de Bob Marley entrar em cena e protagonizar o clímax de todo o concerto, quando em plena actuação do tema Jammin', conseguiu juntar no palco os dois líderes dos partidos opostos, Michael Manley e Edward Seaga, e, com um gesto simbólico da trindade, ergueu as mãos juntas para significar a unidade e a paz.

Transcrição do discurso de Bob Marley, durante a actuação de Jammin':

"Just let me tell you something (yeah), to make everything come true, we gotta be together. (Yeah, yeah, yeah) and through the spirit of the Most High, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, we're inviting a few leading people of the slaves to shake hands. . . To show the people that you love them right, to show the people that you gonna unite, show the people that you're over bright, show the people that everything is all right. Watch, watch, watch, what you're doing, because I wanna send a message right out there. I mean, I'm not so good at talking but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Well, I'm trying to say, could we have, could we have, up here onstage here the presence of Mr. Michael Manley and Mr. Edward Seaga. I just want to shake hands and show the people that we're gonna make it right, we're gonna unite, we're gonna make it right, we've got to unite . The moon is right over my head, and I give my love instead. The moon was right above my head, and I give my love instead."

O resultado do seu feito valeu a Bob Marley a atribuição pela Nações Unidas da Medalha de Paz do Terceiro Mundo, a Junho de 1978.

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